Sunday, December 30, 2007


Kyoto is a city with the history very much.
It takes about 2 hours by a train from Tokyo.
It takes about 40 minutes by a train from Osaka.
The figure in the bottom expresses a position of Kyoto in Japan.

Kyoto was a Japanese capital for about 1000 years from 794 years in the Christian era.
Kyoto developed for a long time as Japanese economy, the center of the culture.
You will feel the history everywhere of the town.
And it will be pleasant that you stroll in the town of Kyoto.

Kyoto of the night is beautiful, too and is attractive.

There are a lot of Buddhist temple and Shinto shrine Buddhist temples in Kyoto.
The figure in the bottom is famous "Yasaka-jinja Shrine".

The figure in the bottom is famous "Kiyomizu-dera Temple".

When you walk Kyoto, you will see the strange women who made up.
They wear "the kimono" which is Japanese traditional clothes.
They are called "a geisha" and "a maiko".
The appearance is similar, but is different in clothes and makeup.
Each has a rule.
The left woman is "a geisha", and a right woman is "a maiko".

They show a song and a dance at the party of the Japanese style.
A right woman is "a geisha", and the left woman is "a maiko" this time.

Did you understand the difference of "a geisha" and "the maiko?"
"The maiko" is ascetic practices period to become "a geisha".
The age of "the maiko" is young, and it is generally the teens.
"The maiko" wears showy clothes in comparison with "the geisha".
"The maiko" trains herself for about around 5 years and becomes "a geisha".
When you came to Kyoto for a trip, watch the difference of "a geisha" and "the maiko".

There are a lot of interesting area and culture around Kyoto.
I want to introduce it still more.
Let's go to Kyoto for a trip!

To the top page of "JAPAN TRAVEL"

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